Link With Us

If you want to exchange links with us. Please copy and paste any of the linking information mentioned below and upload it on your website after that email us your details and we will link back to you.

Title:   Lotus Property Services, Pollensa
Description:   Full range of property management and maintenance services in the Pollensa area of Mallorca.

Linking HTML code (copy and paste):

<a href=""> <strong>Full range of property management and maintenance services.</strong> - Trust us to look after your property here in Mallorca in the Pollensa (and beyond) area of Mallorca </a>


Talk of the North - Newsletter published every fortnight since August 17th 2005. Talk of the North is just what it says it is.   It’s full of news of what’s happening up this end of Mallorca and is a forum for the English-speaking community to air its views and concerns.